#this function is a helper function for gen.density.plot
d_limit <- function(x, alpha, test, dist, n) {
  if(dist == 'z'){
    y = dnorm(x)
    q_a = qnorm(1-alpha)
    y = dt(x, df = n-1)
    q_a = qt(1-alpha, df = n-1)
  if(test == 'two.tailed'){
    y[which(x>-q_a & x<q_a)] <- NA  
  }else if (test == 'upper.tail'){
    y[which(x < q_a)] <- NA
    y[which(x > -q_a)] <- NA

# this function plots a density curve for the z and t distributions and allows for shading the 
# the rejection regions on the plot
gen.density.plot=function(bbox = c(-4,4), n = 10, dist = c('z','t'), alpha = 0.05, obs = 0.5,
                          test = c('two.tail','lower.tail', 'upper.tail'), shade = TRUE,
                          txt.sz = 5){
  p = ggplot(data.frame(x = bbox), aes(x = x))+
  if(shade == TRUE){
    p = p + stat_function(fun = d_limit,
                          args = list(alpha = alpha,
                                      test = test,
                                      dist = dist,
                                      n = n), 
                          geom = "area", 
                          fill = "cyan3", 
                          alpha = 0.4)
  if(dist == 'z'){
    q_a = qnorm(1-alpha)
    d_obs = dnorm(obs)
    d_a = dnorm(q_a)
    func = dnorm
    args = list()
    xlabel = "z"
    q_a = qt(1-alpha, df = n-1)
    d_obs = dt(obs, df = n-1)
    d_a = dt(q_a, df = n-1)
    func = dt
    args = list(df = n-1)
    xlabel = 't'
  if(test == 'two.tailed'){
    xcoords = c(-q_a, q_a, obs)
    ycoords = c(0,0,0)
    xendcoords = c(-q_a, q_a, obs)
    yendcoords = c(d_a, d_a, d_obs)
    if(dist == 'z'){
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$z_{\\alpha/2}$"),TeX("$z_{1-\\alpha/2}$"),TeX("$z_{obs}$"))
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$t_{\\alpha/2}$"),TeX("$t_{1-\\alpha/2}$"),TeX("$t_{obs}$"))
  }else if (test == 'upper.tail'){
    xcoords = c(q_a, obs)
    ycoords = c(0,0)
    xendcoords = c(q_a, obs)
    yendcoords = c(d_a, d_obs)
    if(dist == 'z'){
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$z_{1-\\alpha}$"),TeX("$z_{obs}$"))
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$t_{1-\\alpha}$"),TeX("$t_{obs}$"))
    xcoords = c(-q_a, obs)
    ycoords = c(0,0)
    xendcoords = c(-q_a, obs)
    yendcoords = c(d_a, d_obs)
    if(dist == 'z'){
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$z_{\\alpha}$"), TeX("$z_{obs}$"))
      lbl1 = c(TeX("$t_{\\alpha}$") ,TeX("$t_{obs}$"))
  if(test == 'two.tailed'){
    final = p+stat_function(fun = func,
                            args = args,
                            size = 1)+
                   size = 0.9,
                   linetype = 'dashed')+
                   size = 0.9,
                   linetype = 'dashed')+
      geom_point(aes(x = xcoords[1:2], y = ycoords[1:2]), size = 3)+
      geom_label(aes(x = xcoords[1:2], y = ycoords[1:2]-0.025), label = lbl1[1:2], size = txt.sz)+
      geom_point(aes(x = xcoords[3], y = ycoords[3]), size = 3)+
      geom_label(aes(x = xcoords[3], y = ycoords[3]-0.025), label = lbl1[3], size = txt.sz)+
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 1)+
      ylab('Probability Density')+
      ggtitle(TeX('Distribution under $H_0$'))+
      theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14),
            axis.title.y = element_text(size = 14))
    final = p+stat_function(fun = func,
                            args = args,
                            size = 1)+
                   size = rep(0.9, length(xcoords)), 
                   linetype = rep('dashed',length(xcoords)))+
      geom_point(aes(x = xcoords, y = ycoords), size = 3)+
      geom_label(aes(x = xcoords, y = ycoords-0.025), label = lbl1, size = txt.sz)+
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 1)+
      ylab('Probability Density')+
      ggtitle(TeX('Distribution under $H_0$'))+
      theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12),
            axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12))

# standard error for a sample proportion 
one.sample.prop.SE = function(phat, n){
  SE = sqrt((phat*(1-phat))/n)

# confidence interval for a population proportion 
one.sample.prop.CI = function(phat, n, alpha = 0.05, verbose = FALSE){
  SE = one.sample.prop.SE(phat, n)
  standard.score = qnorm(1-(alpha/2))
  MOE = standard.score*SE
  lower.bound = phat-MOE
  upper.bound = phat+MOE
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimate = ', round(phat, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value  = ', round(standard.score, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(SE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Margin of error = ', round(MOE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, ' % CI = ', paste0('[', round(max(lower.bound,0),4), ',',
                                             round(min(upper.bound, 1), 4), ']', 
                                             collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
  return(c(lower.bound, upper.bound))

# test for a population proportion 
one.sample.prop.test = function(p0, phat, n, alpha = 0.05, test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'),
                                verbose = TRUE){
  estimate.SE = one.sample.prop.SE(p0, n)
  Zobs = (phat - p0)/estimate.SE
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    critical.value = qnorm((1-(alpha/2)))
    alt.hyp = 'p != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(Zobs)))
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    critical.value = qnorm(alpha)
    alt.hyp = 'p < '
    pvalue = pnorm(Zobs)
    critical.value = qnorm(1-alpha)
    alt.hyp = 'p > '
    pvalue = 1-pnorm(Zobs)
  CI = one.sample.prop.CI(phat, n, alpha)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: p0 = ', p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('estimate = ', round(phat,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(estimate.SE,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value = ', round(critical.value, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI = ', paste0('[', max(round(CI[1],4), 0),',',
                                                  collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Test statistic = ', round(Zobs, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

#standard error for a sample mean 
one.sample.t.SE = function(s, n){
  SE = s/sqrt(n)

#confidence interval for a population mean 
one.sample.t.CI = function(xbar, s, n, alpha = 0.05, verbose = FALSE){
  SE = one.sample.t.SE(s, n)
  t.score = qt(1-(alpha/2), df = n-1)
  MOE = t.score*SE
  lower.bound = xbar-MOE
  upper.bound = xbar+MOE
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimate = ', round(xbar, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value  = ', round(t.score, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(SE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Margin of error = ', round(MOE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, ' % CI = ', paste0('[', round(lower.bound,4),',', 
                                             round(upper.bound,4), ']',
                                             collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
  return(c(lower.bound, upper.bound))

# one sample t test 
one.sample.t.test = function(m0, xbar, s, n, alpha = 0.05, test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'),
                             verbose = TRUE){
  df = n - 1
  estimate.SE = one.sample.t.SE(s, n)
  tobs = (xbar - m0)/estimate.SE
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    critical.value = qt((1-(alpha/2)), df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pt(abs(tobs), df = df))
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    critical.value = qt(alpha, df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm < '
    pvalue = pt(tobs, df = df)
    critical.value = qt(1-alpha, df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm > '
    pvalue = 1-pt(tobs, df = df)
  CI = one.sample.t.CI(xbar, s, n, alpha)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: m0 = ', m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimate = ', round(xbar,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(estimate.SE,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value = ', round(critical.value, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI = ', paste0('[', max(round(CI[1],4), 0),',',
                                                  collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Test statistic = ', round(tobs, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Degrees of Freedom = ', round(df, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

#unpooled standard error for difference in two proportions
two.sample.prop.SE = function(p1,p2,n1,n2){
  SE = sqrt((p1*(1-p1)/n1)+(p2*(1-p2)/n2))

#computing confidence intervals for the difference between two population proportions
two.sample.prop.CI = function(p1,p2,n1,n2,tail = 'two.tail',alpha = 0.05, verbose = FALSE){
  diff = p1-p2
  if(tail != 'two.tail'){
    Z = qnorm(1-alpha)
    Z = qnorm(1-(alpha/2))
  SE = two.sample.prop.SE(p1,p2,n1,n2)
  MOE = Z*SE
  bounds[1] = diff - MOE
  bounds[2] = diff + MOE
  bounds = sort(bounds)
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimate = ', round(diff, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value  = ', round(Z, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(SE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Margin of error = ', round(MOE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, ' % CI = ', paste0('[',round(bounds[1], 4), ',', 
                                                   round(bounds[2], 4), ']'))))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
  return(list(estimate = diff, interval = bounds, margin.of.error = MOE, critical.value = Z))

#two sample proportion test
two.sample.prop.test = function(p0,x1,x2,n1,n2,alpha = 0.05, test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'),
                                pooled = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
  p1 = x1/n1
  p2 = x2/n2
  estimate = p1 - p2
  estimate.SE = two.sample.prop.SE(p1, p2, n1, n2)
    calc = 'pooled'
    p.pooled = (x1+x2)/(n1+n2)
    test.SE = sqrt( (p.pooled*(1-p.pooled))*(1/n1 + 1/n2) )
    calc = 'unpooled'
    test.SE = two.sample.prop.SE(p1,p2,n1,n2) 
  Zobs = (estimate - p0)/test.SE
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    critical.value = qnorm((1-(alpha/2)))
    alt.hyp = 'p1 - p2 != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(Zobs)))
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    critical.value = qnorm(alpha)
    alt.hyp = 'p1 - p2 < '
    pvalue = pnorm(Zobs)
    critical.value = qnorm(1-alpha)
    alt.hyp = 'p1 - p2 > '
    pvalue = 1-pnorm(Zobs)
  CI = sort(c(estimate - critical.value * estimate.SE, estimate + critical.value * estimate.SE))
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: p1 - p2 = ', p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('estimate = ', round(estimate,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0(calc,' SE = ', round(test.SE,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI = ', paste0('[', max(round(CI[1],4), 0),',',
                                                  collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value = ', round(critical.value,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Test statistic = ', round(Zobs, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

#two sample unpooled standard error for means 
two.sample.t.SE = function(s1,s2,n1,n2){
  SE = sqrt((s1^2/n1)+(s2^2/n2))

#confidence intervals for a difference between two means
two.sample.t.CI = function(x1,x2,s1,s2,n1,n2, tail = 'two.tail',alpha = 0.05, verbose = FALSE){
  diff = x1-x2
  df = min(n1-1, n2-1)
  if(tail != 'two.tail'){
    t.crit = qt(1-alpha, df = df)
    t.crit = qt(1-(alpha/2), df = df)
  SE = two.sample.t.SE(s1,s2,n1,n2)
  MOE = t.crit*SE
  bounds[1] = diff - MOE
  bounds[2] = diff + MOE
  bounds = sort(bounds)
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimate = ', round(diff, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value  = ', round(t.crit, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error = ', round(SE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Margin of error = ', round(MOE, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, ' % CI = ', paste0('[',round(bounds[1], 4), ',', 
                                                   round(bounds[2], 4), ']'))))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 50), collapse = '')))
  return(list(estimate = diff, interval = bounds, margin.of.error = MOE, critical.value = t.crit))

#two sample t test 
two.sample.t.test = function(m0,x1,x2,s1,s2,n1,n2,alpha = 0.05, test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'),
                             pooling = c('pooled', 'unpooled','approx.unpooled'), verbose = TRUE){
  estimate = x1 - x2
  estimate.SE = two.sample.t.SE(s1, s2, n1, n2)
  if(pooling == 'pooled'){
    calc = 'pooled'
    df = n1 + n2 - 2
    s.pooled = sqrt( ((n1-1)*s1^2 + (n2-1)*s2^2)/(n1+n2-2))
    test.SE = s.pooled * sqrt((1/n1)+(1/n2))
  }else if (pooling == 'unpooled'){
    calc = 'unpooled'
    df = (((s1^2/n1)+(s2^2/n2))^2)/(((s1^2/n1)^2/(n1-1)) + ((s2^2/n2)^2/(n2-1)))
    test.SE = two.sample.t.SE(s1,s2,n1,n2) 
    calc = 'approx.unpooled'
    df = min(n1-1, n2-1)
    test.SE = two.sample.t.SE(s1,s2,n1,n2) 
  tobs = (estimate - m0)/test.SE
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    critical.value = qt((1-(alpha/2)), df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm1 - m2 != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pt(abs(tobs), df = df))
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    critical.value = qt(alpha, df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm1 - m2 < '
    pvalue = pnorm(tobs)
    critical.value = qt(1-alpha, df = df)
    alt.hyp = 'm1 - m2 > '
    pvalue = 1-pnorm(tobs)
  CI = sort(c(estimate - critical.value * estimate.SE, estimate + critical.value * estimate.SE))
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: m1 - m2 = ', m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('estimate = ', round(estimate,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0(calc,' SE = ', round(test.SE,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI = ', paste0('[',round(CI[1],4),',',
                                                  collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Critical Value = ', round(critical.value,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Test statistic = ', round(tobs, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('degrees of freedom = ', round(df, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

# the classic sign test
sign.test = function(p0, x1, x2, alpha = 0.05, test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'),
                     verbose = TRUE){
  diffs = x1 - x2
  total.signs = sum(diffs>0)+sum(diffs<0)
  positive.signs = sum(diffs>0)
  phat = positive.signs/total.signs
  SE = sqrt(phat*(1-phat)/total.signs)
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    upper.bound = qbinom(1-(alpha/2), total.signs, phat)
    lower.bound = qbinom(alpha/2, total.signs, phat)
    alt.hyp = 'p != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pbinom(positive.signs-1, total.signs, p0))
    if(pvalue > 1){
      pvalue = 1
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    upper.bound = qbinom(1-alpha/2, total.signs, phat)
    lower.bound = qbinom(alpha/2, total.signs, phat)
    alt.hyp = 'p < '
    pvalue = pbinom(positive.signs, total.signs, p0)
    upper.bound = qbinom(1-(alpha/2), total.signs, phat)
    lower.bound = qbinom(alpha/2, total.signs, phat)
    alt.hyp = 'p > '
    pvalue = 1-pbinom(positive.signs-1, total.signs, p0)
  CI = c(lower.bound/total.signs, upper.bound/total.signs)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: p0 = ', p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, p0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('# of positive signs = ', positive.signs)))
    print(noquote(paste0('# of total signs = ', total.signs)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated P(+ sign) = ', round(phat, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Estimated Standard Error P(+ sign) = ', round(SE,4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI P(+ sign) = ', paste0('[', round(CI[1],4),',',
                                                            collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

rank.sum.stat=function(X, Y){
  D = sort(c(X, Y), decreasing = FALSE)
  ranks = match(X,D)
  S = sum(ranks)

# the classic Wilcoxon sum-rank test for two indepdent samples
Wilcoxon.rank.sum.test = function(m0, X=NULL, Y=NULL, S=NULL, n1=NULL, n2=NULL, alpha = 0.05, 
                                  test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'), verbose = TRUE){
    S = rank.sum.stat(X,Y)
    n1 = length(X)
    n2 = length(Y)
  U = S - (n1*(n1+1))/2
  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    upper.bound = qwilcox(1-(alpha/2), n1, n2)
    lower.bound = qwilcox(alpha/2, n1, n2)
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift != '
    pvalue = 2*pwilcox(U, n1, n2)
    if(pvalue > 1){
      pvalue = 1
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    upper.bound = qwilcox(1-(alpha/2), n1, n2)
    lower.bound = qwilcox(alpha/2, n1, n2)
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift is < '
    pvalue = pwilcox(U, n1, n2)
    upper.bound = qwilcox(1-(alpha/2), n1, n2)
    lower.bound = qwilcox(alpha/2, n1, n2)
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift is > '
    pvalue = 1-pwilcox(U, n1, n2)
  CI = c(lower.bound, upper.bound)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: the true location shift = ', m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Sign rank statistic = ', S)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Mann-Whitney U = ', round(U, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('E[S] = ', round((n1*(n1+n2+1))/2, 4 ))))
    print(noquote(paste0('SE(S) =', round(sqrt( (n1*n2*(n1+n2+1))/12 ), 4 ))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI for S = ', paste0('[',max(round(CI[1],4),0),',',
                                                            collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

#A simple function to compute the signed-rank statistic
sign.rank.stat = function(X,Y, ...){
  diffs = X-Y
  if(sum(diffs == 0)>0){
    omit = which(diffs == 0)
    abs.diffs = abs(diffs[-omit])
    abs.diffs = abs(diffs)
  negative = which(diffs[-omit] < 0)
  positive = which(diffs[-omit] > 0)
  ranks = rank(abs.diffs, ...)
  signed.ranks = ranks
  signed.ranks[negative] = -1*ranks[negative]
  W = sum(signed.ranks)
  return(list(W = W, differences = diffs, absolute.diff = abs.diffs, ranks = ranks, signed.ranks = signed.ranks))
# the classic Wilcoxon sign-rank test for two dependent samples

Wilcoxon.sign.rank.test = function(m0, X=NULL, Y=NULL, W=NULL, n=NULL,  alpha = 0.05, 
                                  test = c('lower.tail','upper.tail','two.tail'), verbose = TRUE,
    W = sign.rank.stat(X,Y,...)$W
      n = length(X)
      EW = m0
      VW = (n*(n+1)*(2*n +1))/6
      Z = (W-m0)/sqrt(VW)
      stop('length(X) != length(Y)!...stopping')

  if(test == 'two.tail'){
    crit = qnorm(1-alpha/2, EW, sqrt(VW))
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift != '
    pvalue = 2*(1-pnorm(W, EW, sqrt(VW)))
    if(pvalue > 1){
      pvalue = 1
  }else if(test == 'lower.tail'){
    crit = qnorm(alpha, EW, sqrt(VW))
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift < '
    pvalue = pnorm(W, EW, sqrt(VW))
    crit = qnorm(1-alpha, EW, sqrt(VW))
    alt.hyp = 'true location shift > '
    pvalue = 1-pnorm(W, EW, sqrt(VW))
  upper.bound = qnorm(1-alpha/2, EW, sqrt(VW))*sqrt(VW)+EW
  lower.bound = qnorm(alpha/2, EW, sqrt(VW))*sqrt(VW)+EW
  CI = c(lower.bound, upper.bound)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: true location shift = ', m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp, m0)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Rank-Sum statistic = ', W)))
    print(noquote(paste0('E[W] = ', round( EW, 4 ))))
    print(noquote(paste0('SE(W) =', round(sqrt( VW ), 4 ))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Approximate Z-statistic = ', round(Z, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0((1-alpha)*100, '% CI for W = ', paste0('[',round(CI[1],2),',',
                                                        collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('critical value = ', round(crit, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

# a function to conduct the chi-square goodness of fit test
chi.squared.GOF.test = function(observed.ct=NULL, expected.freq=NULL, expected.ct = NULL,  alpha = 0.05, 
                                verbose = TRUE){
  n = sum(observed.ct)
      stop('missing one of expected.freq or expected.ct')
     expected.ct = n*expected.freq 
    expect.freq = expected.ct/n
  df = length(observed.ct)-1
  chi.dist = (observed.ct - expected.ct)^2 / expected.ct
  chi.obs = sum(chi.dist)
  tabres = cbind.data.frame(Observed = observed.ct, Expected = round(expected.ct, 3), 
                            Distance = round(chi.dist, 3))
  row.names(tabres) = paste0('category ', 1:length(observed.ct))
  null.hyp = paste0(paste0('P(category ', 1:length(observed.ct), ') = '), round(expected.freq, 4))
  alt.hyp ='The probabilities are different than those stated in H0'

  crit = qchisq(1-alpha, df)
  pvalue = 1-pchisq(chi.obs, df)
  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: ', null.hyp)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Degrees of freedom = ', df)))
    print(paste0(rep('-', 54), collapse = ''))
    print(paste0(rep('-', 54), collapse = ''))
    print(noquote(paste0('test statistic = ', round(chi.obs, 4))))
    if(df == 1){
      print(noquote(paste0('Z-statistic = ', round(sqrt(chi.obs), 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('critical value = ', round(crit, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))

# chi square test of independence and homogeneity
chi.squared.test = function(cont.table,  alpha = 0.05, test = c('homogeneity','independence'), 
                            verbose = TRUE,...){
  r.t = rowSums(cont.table)
  c.t = colSums(cont.table)
  n = sum(cont.table)
  exp.cts = outer(r.t, c.t)/n
  ct.dists = (cont.table - exp.cts)^2/exp.cts
  chi.obs = sum(ct.dists)
  df = prod(dim(cont.table)-1)
  final.observed = cbind(rbind(cont.table, c.t), c(r.t, n))
  colnames(final.observed) = c(paste0('Var A: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[2]),'Row Total')
  row.names(final.observed) = c(paste0('Var B: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[1]),'Column Total')
  colnames(exp.cts) = paste0('Var B: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[2])
  row.names(exp.cts) = paste0('Var A: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[1])
  colnames(ct.dists) = paste0('Var A: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[2])
  row.names(ct.dists) = paste0('Var B: category ', 1:dim(cont.table)[1])

  crit = qchisq(1-alpha, df)
  if(test == 'homogeneity'){
    null.hyp = 'The conditional distributions of the rows are homogeneous'
    alt.hyp = 'The conditional distributions of the rows are not homogeneous'
    null.hyp = 'The row variable and column variable are independent'
    alt.hyp = 'The row variable and column variable are dependent'
  pvalue = 1-pchisq(chi.obs, df)

  decision = ifelse(pvalue<alpha, 'reject H0', 'fail to reject H0')
    print(noquote(paste0(paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''), ' test results ', paste0(rep('=', 20), collapse = ''))))
    print(noquote(paste0('test type = ', test)))
    print(noquote(paste0('H0: ', null.hyp)))
    print(noquote(paste0('HA: ', alt.hyp)))
    print(noquote(paste0('Degrees of freedom = ', df)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 54), collapse = '')))
    print('Observed Counts')
    print(round(final.observed, 4))
    print('Expected Counts: (R * C)/n')
    print(round(exp.cts, 4))
    print('Distances: (observed - expected)^2 / expected')
    print(round(ct.dists, 4))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep('-', 54), collapse = '')))
    print(noquote(paste0('test statistic = ', round(chi.obs, 4))))
    if(df == 1){
      print(noquote(paste0('Z-statistic = ', round(sqrt(chi.obs), 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('critical value = ', round(crit, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Pvalue = ', round(pvalue, 4))))
    print(noquote(paste0('Decision: ', decision)))
    print(noquote(paste0(rep("=", 54), collapse = '')))