App Name Usage
Random Variables This app allows you to plot the histogram of several different random variables. Parameters and sample size can be changed to study how they affect shape and location.
Statistic Calculator This tool allows you to calculate common descriptive statistics for quantitative or qualitative data by copying and pasting in comma separated values. Statistics include: mean, median, mode, range, stdev, variance, quartiles, and IQR
Frequency Tables This tool allows you calculate frequency tables and histogram/bar plot for quantitative or qualitative variables by copying and pasting in comma separated values.
Make Graphs This tool allows you plot graphs for quantitative and qualitative variables by copying and pasting in comma separated values. Plots include: pie graph, bar plot, stem plot, dot plot, histogram and boxplot
PMF/PDF Calculator This tool allows you calculate probabilities from several different probability distributions inlcuding: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Uniform, and Exponential distributions